A housing Co-operative is a group of people who form a corporation to provide housing services for themselves. Co-op living is unique to all other forms of housing because it represents a community living within a community.

Democratic management is the lifeblood of a healthy co-op and the people who live in the co-op, and who collectively own and operate the housing, are voting members. The members elect a board of directors from among themselves and authorize the board to conduct the day to day business of the co-op in a manner that satisfies all of the requirements of Government Acts, Municipal Directives, Co-op Bylaws and Policies.

All members in a co-op share in the advantages and responsibilities of co-op life, which makes it more than just a place to live.

There are many kinds of co-operatives: food co-ops, co-op daycare, credit unions, retail co-ops, worker co-ops and housing co-ops. Any group of people can form a co-operative. The members own the co-operative and the co-operative provides a service they need. Housing co-operatives provide housing.

As a co-op member, you have a say in decisions that affect your home. You and your neighbours own your homes co-operatively. Members form a community that works together to manage the co-op. Co-op communities are made up of all kinds of people – people with different backgrounds and incomes and special needs. These diverse and vibrant communities are the unique strength of the co-op housing movement.

Our Vision

Shamrock Co-operative Homes consist of 90 Unit design. Combined of The main Building with surrounding Townhomes which integrates persons with disabilities and able bodied people in a member run, non profit co-operative community setting.

Opened in August 1990, Shamrock meets the need for affordable well maintained units in the Waterloo Region, with security of tenure, self management, education and a wholesome sense of community and strive to be the best.

  • A Community without a landlord or individual mortgages.
  • People from a mix of cultural, economic and social backgrounds collectively running the property.
  • Is based on self-management, democracy, equality and solidarity.
  • Believes in the values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others

Shamrock is architecturally barrier free! All the units, at a minimum have a wheelchair accessible front door. Also allotted open access Townhomes as well. This feature allows a person in wheelchair to visit their neighbor without barriers. Twenty of the co-op’s 90 units are totally wheelchair accessible, allowing a person with a disability the chance to live independently.

Other features include an accessible playground and community center (Hellen Hall), flower boxes that are wheelchair accessible and sidewalks with curbs cut throughout the co-op.

In 1992, Shamrock won the CMHC Housing Award for concept and design, and also the Jim McDonald Award for social change by making 19 of its units and the apartment ground floor totally wheelchair accessible.

Our Standards

Shamrock is run by a volunteer Board of Directors who are elected annually by members during the Annual General Meeting in November. The Board is collectively responsible for overseeing the affairs of the Co-op. The Board is also responsible for hiring and supervision of staff, who are charged with the day to day administration of the Co-op. Shamrock is run by a volunteer Board of Directors who are elected annually by members during the Annual General Meeting in November. The Board is collectively responsible for overseeing the affairs of the Co-op. The Board is also responsible for hiring and supervision of staff, who are charged with the day to day administration of the Co-op.

Board Members


Wanda Cox



Douguscan Hakverdigil



Zak Griffith



Joyce Nieuwesteeg



  • Faith Austin
  • Gabriel Barrios
  • Anita Murray


Darlene Slater

General Manager

Darlene was first hired as our General Manager of Shamrock Cooperative Homes in 1990 and worked diligently until September 2016 when she moved away to Fallon, Nevada with her husband Greg Slater. During her time away she started working for Clean Harbors in the Office until the end of March 2018.

She came back to Canada at the beginning of April 2018 and was hired back to Shamrock on April 23, 2018.

Darlene's responsibilities are:
Property Management: Darlene is responsible for the management of all co-op properties. This includes making sure that the necessary repairs are done, maintaining adequate records, and generally ensuring that the co-op is in good shape.
Supervision of Staff: Darlene is responsible for the supervision of all Shamrock staff, both permanent and temporary. She advises and helps the Board hire and supervise temporary staff like the Day Camp Coordinator and leaders for the Shamrock Summer Day camp.
General Administration: Darlene is in charge of the general day-to-day administration of the Co-op. Her duties in this area include ensuring that the legal and corporate obligations of the co-op are met, acting as the agent of the Board of Directors in implementing Board decisions, and overseeing budgetary, financial, and investment decisions in conjunction with the Board and Finance Committees.
Subsidy Administration: Darlene also administers the geared-to-income assistance program. She is responsible for processing subsidy applications, income verification, and ensuring that all requirements for assistance are met.
Accounting: Unlike other co-ops where a separate bookkeeper is employed, Shamrock is lucky, in the sense, that Darlene does all the required bookkeeping for the co-op. Her duties include revenue collection, accounting, disbursement, and audit preparation. In addition, Darlene monitors housing charge arrears, does the bi-weekly payroll, and generally ensures that the co-op is in sound financial management.
Recipient of the 2009 award for Outstanding Community Worker to the Waterloo Region Housing Coalition
Recipient of the 2007 award for Outstanding Contribution to the Co-operative Housing Movement in the Central Ontario area. (COCHF)
Recipient of award for 20 Years of Dedicated Services to the co-operative housing movement in Ontario
Recipient of award for 25 Years of Dedicated Services to the co-operative housing movement in Ontario
Recipient of award for 30 Years of Dedicated Services to the co-operative housing movement in Ontario
Other Interests:

Darlene’s involvement in the co-op sector is not only limited to Shamrock Co-op. Her involvement in the Co-op sector includes the following:

Past President and Treasurer – Co-operative Staff Association of Central Ontario (CSACO)
Chair – Interim Steering Committee
Member – Access Site’s Committee
Member – Housing Coalition Committee
Invited Member – Integrated Delivery Service Committee
Co-op Rep – The Waterloo Region Community Housing Advisory Committee
Accounting, Pablo Neruda Non-Profit Housing
Member of WRCHAC and Income and Testing Sub-Committee and RGI Project Team
Director – New Generation Co-op Staff Representative

Photo Gallery

Members Rights


Vote on the annual budget, which sets the monthly housing charges

Elect a board of directors made up of people who live in your co‑op

Run for the board of directors yourself

Receive audited financial statements that show how the co‑op spent your money

Pay only a limited portion of your income for your housing, if you meet eligibility rules

Live there for as long as you like, if you keep to the by-laws agreed on by the co‑op membership

Let’s Build Something Together

We're here to help and answer any question you might have. We Look Forward to hearing from you.